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Our Services

Milford, CT

Silver Sands Veterinary Services

At Silver Sands Veterinary, you can trust that your pets are in great hands. Our compassionate, skillful veterinary staff are here to help.

At Silver Sands Veterinary, we offer a variety of services to care for your pet

Preventative Medicine

Regular check-ups allow us to establish a baseline in your pet’s health and make us aware of any changes that may indicate future problems. We highly recommend bringing your pet in for regular exams. Oftentimes, health problems that go undetected can become more serious issues when left untreated, so check-ups are important even when your pet appears healthy.

There are a variety of diseases that affect our pets and other animals. This makes proper vaccination vital in protecting them from the many types of illnesses they are susceptible to. It’s important to consult with us about the unique risks of living in our region. We will be happy to discuss the benefits of protecting your pet with vaccinations, as well as provide you with information on the required vaccinations for your pet.

Parasite Prevention
The idea of your pet being infested with parasites is a disturbing thought, but it’s also a medical issue that can have serious consequences if not properly dealt with or prevented. Parasites pose a variety of health issues for our pets, who can be very susceptible to certain parasites depending on age, region, and other factors.

At Silver Sands Veterinary, we emphasize the importance of preventing parasites. Through preventative measures, you can successfully protect your pet. But pets that are not protected often develop parasites, leading to serious problems for them and their owners.

The cost of prevention is minimal compared to the cost of treatment, which can be expensive and stressful for your pet. Parasites like heartworm can even be fatal, so preventing parasites is of the utmost importance.

Puppy and Kitten Plans
We are very excited to offer our new Puppy and Kitten Plan! This plan will save you money while making sure your newest family member is set up for success with exams, vaccines, bloodwork, and more!

Affordable Oral Care

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, 70% of adult cats and 80% of adult dogs show symptoms of oral disease. Proper dental care can extend your pet’s life by YEARS! Animals can suffer from plaque and tartar build-up just like us. They can also get broken and infected teeth that can abscess and be very painful. Gum disease or abscesses can result in an infection that spreads to the heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs and cause life-threatening illnesses. We recommend dental cleanings as soon as we see plaque and tartar buildup. This helps to PREVENT any dental disease such as gingivitis, abscessed (infected) teeth, fractured (broken) teeth, or loose teeth which are all painful conditions.​

We offer a fully stocked pharmacy to fill your pet’s prescription needs. Having an on-site pharmacy provides you with a more convenient way to get your pet’s medication. We hope that this will save you time and ultimately enhance your experience with us.
Our hospital provides a wide variety of in-house diagnostic testing with the most state-of-the-art technology available. It is our goal to provide your pet with the highest level of care possible, and our diagnostic tools help us do that.

Silver Sands Veterinary is now offering telemedicine appointments and consultations with Dr. DeForge utilizing doxy.me telemedicine software. Our virtual telemedicine exam can be easily initiated and completed from the comfort of your home on your smartphone, tablet, or PC.

You must schedule your telemedicine appointment by calling 203-877-3221 before meeting with Dr. DeForge for a virtual exam.

Exams and Consultations

Our staff will get a chance to talk to you and see if you are having any trouble with your pet. We will also go over diet, preventive medicine, and exercise to ensure that your pet is as healthy as possible. Then, one of our veterinarians will do a complete physical examination on your pet. It is always good to have a baseline in case your pet ever becomes ill. We also want to monitor your pet’s weight, ensuring that your pet stays a healthy weight. It is much easier to start a diet when a pet is a pound overweight instead of 15! Our veterinarian will also look for any potential problems. Our goal is to catch any problems before they become major ones. The sooner that we are able to catch a problem, the easier it is to treat it and the more likely that your pet will make a full recovery!

We believe in utilizing the highest level of medical technology, and our surgeons are experienced and highly trained. We also realize that it can be stressful to have your pet undergo surgery. We want to assure you that your pet is in good hands and that we will do everything to provide the best care possible. We will communicate with you about the things you need to know before, during, and after your pet’s surgery. It is our goal to make the entire process go smoothly and to eliminate the stress and worry of surgical procedures.
Retired Greyhound Advantage
If given love, attention, proper food, medical care, and exercise, they can live a long life. Specialized veterinary care with knowledge and support will provide a pain-free quality of life. This care does not begin in the geriatric years but is part of every life stage of the greyhound. Your retired greyhound provides companionship and unconditional love as part of the mystery of the human-animal bond. You can return that love with basic veterinary care.
Nutritional Counseling
Obesity is a common problem among pets, as it can be easy to overfeed a pet that knows how to beg. But being overweight is a serious problem for animals and can cause real health problems as they get older. With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and be within a healthy weight range.

Pets’ nutritional needs change as they enter different stages of their lives. The best way to make sure your pet’s needs are being met is to consult with us about a diet made specifically for his or her lifestyle.

After Hours Care
If Silver Sands Veterinary is not open and there is a LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY, contact any of the ER Critical Care Specialty Centers below:
Central Hospital Animal ER—North Haven, CT
Cornell University Veterinary Specialists—Stamford, CT
Newtown Veterinary Specialists—Newtown, CT
Norwalk VCA VREC Specialists—Norwalk, CT
Pieper ER Veterinary Specialists—Middletown, CT
Shoreline VCA VREC Specialists—Shelton, CT
Urgent Care

Click here to learn more about our urgent care.

Extended Services
Extended Services and Specialist Availability at Sands Veterinary Urgent Care

  • Cardiologist Specialist Consults by Telemedicine
  • Radiologist Specialist Consults by Telemedicine
  • Surgery Specialist Consults by Appointment
  • Internal Medicine Specialist Consults by Appointment
  • Ultrasound Specialist Appointments including Echocardiograms by Appointment
  • Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, and Dentistry Consultations by Appointment
  • Telemedicine Consultations by Appointment

Get to know Dr. DeForge and the rest of our veterinary team!

Dr. DeForge is the only Fellow of the Academy of Veterinary Dentistry in Milford. He performs affordable dental cleanings with dental X-ray diagnostics in the same manner as a human dentist!

Check out our blog!

Be sure to read our blog and check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Silver Sands Veterinary team!